Friday, April 25, 2014

When It Was Over

When the big fight was over, we were out on the street.  All of us and that includes the Trouties.  We were all steamed at Smokey!  How could Smokey do this to us?  Buy the team with a fake, gold trout?  Smokey swore up and down she didn't know how this could've happened!  To tell you the truth, none of us could figure it out either.  There were a lot of growls and paws exchanged to but then Barney reminded us that Freddie and Eddie probably wanted to see us fight to and that we should watch ourselves!

So, what were going to do?

We were kitties without a team!!!

1 comment:

  1. guys....ya noe vegas does knot have base ball teem.....just sayin....CACHING...time ta cash in ther :)

    heerz two a sea bass & shrimp kinda week oh end two all ♥
