Barney did wake up, eventually and that nap did wonders for him too. Do you know what's really meowy about Barney? He's easy-going. He'll back you up no matter what but if something makes him hiss or growl- look out- he can put up an argument with the best of the cats. Now, you probably know that already but some humans who actually know Barney just believe he's a big baby-MOL.
I mean Baby in a really good way mind you.
Barney was ready to coach and all of a sudden- Smokey suddenly had a change of heart. She did a complete what you humans call '180 degree turn.' She said she didn't want to be president anymore! She was ready to be a general manager!
dood...if yur sister is general manger iz that better N manager manager N if barney iz de coach does him listen two ewe ore smokey...better tell de sign dood ta hole de presses on makin signs for everee one s office for a wee minit !!!