Monday, February 24, 2014

The Waves Are Back

The waves returned!

At first they didn't seem to bad, Baby gave me and the Mayor a claw and they were calm.  She started meowing out something silly and all I could think of was the sand in my fur.  As a matter of fact, the Mayor was cleaning himself when Baby and Boomer were trying to give a yowling lecture.  While all of this was going on, Smokey decided to act like that dude in the movie, Braveheart, and give some kind of speech.  Right when she was getting to the main point a big wave crashed over her and took her and the treasure chest out to sea!!!


  1. knot ta worree smoeky...we will all save chest tho....dunno bout it....mite sink for we can get two it !

  2. N hay look...a spellin bout SMOKEY...knot smo eky
